Get It Off Your Chest TherapyApr 14, 2021I've been thereI don't know how many times I drove myself to work, crying all the way, then walked into the office acting as if nothing had happened....
Get It Off Your Chest TherapyMar 13, 2021You're not being selfishHow often do you spend a couple of hours talking about nothing but yourself and how you feel with someone else, without that other...
Get It Off Your Chest TherapyMar 12, 2021"How can I help?"Four words that mean so much, but can also be so hard to answer! For the person who is offering to help it must be really difficult when...
Get It Off Your Chest TherapyMar 12, 2021Sitting at the top of a slideThink back to when you were a little kid sitting at the top of a gigantic 5ft slide in the park, about to go down it for the first time...
Get It Off Your Chest TherapyJul 18, 2018"I'm fine"When I first told friends and some family about me having battled with depression, anxiety and low self-esteem for many years, sometimes...
Get It Off Your Chest TherapyMay 31, 2018I got it off my chestIt had been a long time coming, but the first time I said it to my family I don’t know who was more relieved; me or them. It was a Sunday...